COPE stands for a Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience, and is the BSA’s version of a “high-rope” or “challenge” course. Some of these challenge elements are done at ground level, some on ropes 18 inches above ground and some 30 feet above ground.
COPE runs from 9 am through 4 pm and can be a day trip or part of your weekend at Camp. Scouts and leaders of all ages can participate on the low course, but must be thirteen or older to do the high course. The ideal COPE group is 10-36 participants, but will be sub-divided into groups of 12 or fewer scouts to facilitate movement through the course. Depending on staff availability we can schedule as many as three groups of 12 on the course the same day.
The goal of COPE
Decision Making
Problem Solving,
and to have just a bit of FUN!

Join the COPE Staff
COPE is run by volunteers and is constantly searching for enthusiastic young men and women who share our passion for the outdoors and high adventure! Serving on COPE Staff is a great way for older scouts to add energy to their scouting career, and increase their leadership experience,
Do you know someone 15 years or older who would like to volunteer just three Saturdays a year to help run the COPE Course